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Signs of Basement Water Damage To Look For In Your Boston Home

Mar 07, 2023

When people envision water damage, they often picture a flood or pipe burst, but basement water damage is incredibly common and can be much more subtle. In fact, it can be difficult to spot it until it’s spread and caused extensive damage. 

Slower leaks and damaged foundations can gradually start to destroy the flooring, walls, and other materials in a basement. These leaks can be caused by heavy rains in the spring or even melting snow. Over time, water damage can lead to serious problems for both the condition of the home and the occupant’s health.


If a Boston homeowner suspects that their home might be suffering from basement water damage, it’s important that they inspect the area. However, it may be difficult to see signs that may point to water damage unless a person knows what to look for. Keep reading this guide to learn more about the most common signs that water has seeped into a basement. 

Mold Spores

Mold spores are one of the most obvious signs of basement water damage as long as they occur in a visible area. They are also one of the most dangerous signs because they can cause health issues. Unfortunately, some mold growth starts inside walls or under flooring, so it may not be noticeable until it gets worse. If a homeowner suspects that there might be mold in their home, they should call a water damage professional to inspect it. 

Musty Odor

Even if mold isn’t visible in a home, there could be signs to indicate a problem. If a basement has a musty odor that has been lingering for a while, that could indicate that there is mold growing in the home somewhere. Musty odors are always a reason for an inspection because time is of the essence when dealing with water and mold damage.


Depending on whether a basement is finished or not, it may be easy to spot cracks in the foundation, walls, or floors. Cracks can occur when the ground shifts and settle, but they can also occur when water or ice places pressure on the structures. Though they may seem minor in the beginning, these cracks create the perfect space for water to leak into a home, so they should always be addressed promptly.   

Peeling Paint

Finished basement water damage can also be as subtle as bubbling or peeling paint on the walls. As water soaks into the drywall, it can cause bubbles as it creates pressure on the paint. When the walls become soaked, they also expand, which can eventually cause the paint to peel and flake. Homeowners should regularly check their walls for any signs that the walls or floors have started to take on water.

Stains on Walls or Floors

Water damage can also cause stains on the walls and floors. The water stains may start out small and become larger as the problem worsens. They are typically yellow or brown in color, but they could look different depending on the color of the paint on the wall. Regardless, stains are another reason to suspect basement water damage, so they should be taken seriously. 

Sinking Floors

A sinking floor is perhaps one of the least noticeable signs as it occurs so gradually. However, it’s a clear indicator of a problem. Sinking floors are typically a sign that the foundation of the house is damaged. It could also mean that there is soil erosion happening underneath the home. 

Not only is this a serious issue because it can lead to water damage, but it also makes a home unstable. Therefore, it’s important that a homeowner take things seriously and reach out to a trained professional to have the house and foundation inspected.

What to Do When You Spot Basement Water Damage in a Boston Home

No matter how minor the sign might be, it’s always best to play it on the safe side and reach out to a team of water damage professionals. These experts know exactly what to look for, and they can have tools to assess the basement water damage. In addition to helping a homeowner identify potential water damage, they can also create customized restoration plans to get the basement back to a safe and healthy condition. 

Fortunately, residents of Boston don’t have to look far to find a team of trusted water damage specialists to inspect their basements. United Property Restoration Services is available 24/7 to help with any type of water damage. Homeowners can
contact their certified professionals by calling (781) 476-7746. They also have a convenient online form that prospective customers can fill out to request a free quote.

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